About The Screen Industry Guild

The formal name of The Screen Industry Guild is The Screen Industry Guild of Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated.

We are a non-profit professional incorporated society representing the interests of screen industry crew and allied crafts in the New Zealand screen production industry.

The Screen Industry Guild has a wide membership base across the main production centres of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown. Members include camera, sound, lighting, grips, art department, makeup, wardrobe, assistant directors, editors, broadcast, set construction, location managers, production managers and co-ordinators, script supervisors, special effects and visual effects technicians, DIT, technical directors, animal wranglers, on-set nurses and safety officers.

We represent crew and campaign for fair and safe working conditions. We offer professional advice, expert opinion and influence throughout the sector.

We provide a specialised Crew Zone area containing crew related support, information and training resources.

Executive & Branch Chairs

Executive Officer
Kelly Lucas
Brendon Durey
Vice President
Sioux Macdonald
Auckland Branch Chair
Christian Gower
Wellington Branch Chair
Sally Cunningham
Christchurch Branch Chair
Zac Beckett-Knight
Queenstown Branch Chair
Wayne Allen
Accounts Officer
Annette Harris

Our Objectives

The Guild also raises money for projects, publishes health and safety documents, lobbies government on relevant issues, works closely with other industry organisations to maintain industry standards, works with NZ immigration on work permit applications by overseas technicians.

association & forum

To provide New Zealand screen technicians a professional association and forum.


To promote the interests, opportunities for employment, safety and wellbeing of New Zealand screen technicians.

professional standards

To promote and maintain professional standards of New Zealand screen technicians.


To represent the interests of members in dealings with contracts, working environments and producers.


To help resolve disputes, complaints, and work related areas of concern to screen technicians.


To promote and maintain liaison with kindred organisations.

publicise, inform, & educate

To publicise, inform, and educate, through meetings, publications, seminars and workshops.


The Screen Industry Guild was originally set up to create representation in an industry where freelance conditions predominate and crew had to fend for themselves. It also created opportunities for like-minded individuals to get together and share experiences.

When it started in the early 1980's The Techos' Guild was part of “The Academy” in partnership with independent producers and directors. The Academy broke up in 1988 and the technicians registered the New Zealand Film and Video Technicians' Guild as separate incorporated societies in Auckland and Wellington. The two merged in 1996 with a national structure and two local branches. The Queenstown branch was formed in 1999. Christchurch branch was formed in 2021.

The Screen Industry Guild was incorporated as The New Zealand Film and Video Technicians' Guild Incorporated, however the name was updated by a vote of members at the 2017 AGM.

Organisational structure

The Screen Industry Guild is registered with the New Zealand registrar of incorporated societies and is governed by a constitution and the rules that apply to incorporated societies. 

Download the constitution

There are four regional branches in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown, whose branch committees nominate the national executive.The national president and vice president and the branch chairs and committee are elected directly by members, generally around the middle of the year.

The president, executive and branch officials receive no remuneration or honorarium. However, members who perform services for the Guild that makes them unavailable for freelance work, may be paid a limited fee.

An executive officer is employed to manage the national office.