2023 Annual General Meeting

Floor Vote Results

Why Attend the AGM?

Every year, The Screen Industry Guild's Annual General Meeting is more than just a gathering — it's a celebration, an opportunity, and a platform for every member. Whether you're a seasoned professional or have recently joined the industry, the AGM offers unique experiences that cater to all. Dive into a day filled with insightful conversations, unparalleled networking, and a shared passion for Aotearoa New Zealand's screen legacy.

Celebrate Our Achievements

Join in commemorating a year of cinematic success. Reflect on the standout moments and projects that put Aotearoa New Zealand's screen industry on the map.

Shape the Future

Be a part of pivotal discussions about the guild's direction and goals for the upcoming year. Your input matters, and this is your platform to make a difference in our industry's journey forward.

Network & Connect

An opportunity to mingle with professionals from across all fields of our screen industry – from camera and sound to makeup and editing. Forge new connections, refresh old ones, and collaborate for future projects.

Annual General Meeting Agenda
Agenda item
7:00 - 7:15 pm
Welcome and apologies
Kelly Lucas
7:00 - 7:15 pm
President’s report
Brendon Durey
7:00 - 7:15 pm
Welcome and apologies
Kelly Lucas
7:00 - 7:15 pm
Welcome and apologies
Kelly Lucas
7:00 - 7:15 pm
Welcome and apologies
Kelly Lucas
President Votes
Vice President Votes
Branch Chair - Auckland
Branch Chair - Wellington
Branch Chair - Christchurch
Branch Chair - Queenstown
Branch Committee - Auckland
Branch Committee - Wellington
Branch Committee - Christchurch
Awaiting Votes
Branch Committee - Queenstown
Do you vote in favour of the proposed amendments to the constitution?
Do you vote in favour of the proposed Membership Pricing Adjustments?
Do you vote in favour of the proposed Electronic Voting System?
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